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Rapaport’s Four Waves of Terrorism

1.The Palestinian militant groups inspired other terrorist groups globally. This was achieved through various terrorist tactics which were mostly successful yet also distributed globally through media. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation changed the game for terrorist organisations, they were active between the years 1964 through to current day. The terrorist acts committed by the PLO ranged from hijackings of aeroplanes to hostage situations such as the infamous Munich Massacre in 1972 which resulted in deaths of athletes. Alike most terrorist organisations there is political content involved, and this is no different with the PLO due to their population being oppressed with no homeland. The PLO inspired many terrorist organisations whether it be through introducing new means of violence, media coverage and inspiration for more than 70 following terrorist groups.

2.Rapoport’s four waves of terrorism are consistent with progression of terrorism which generally lasts 30 years. The first wave represented by Rapoport was the Anarchist Wave which was established during 1878-1919 which was dominant in Russia but spread to other countries quickly. The Anarchist wave was seen as an anti-government agency due to oppression. The Anarchist movement was a far-left movement which aimed to dismantle authority which had been ever so present.

The second wave of terrorism included Anti-Colonialism during the 1920-1960’s. Anti-colonialism was present in many countries during this period, including many colonies of European Powers dominating Africa. African countries alongside other colonial countries introduced the idea of a republic free from the rule of the European Powers during the era, which was dominated heavily by economic gain for the European Powers and oppressive for the natives.

Third wave terrorism included the New Left wave otherwise known as the Marxist wave. Third wave terrorism and Marxist communism included both the dismantle of the USSR, Vietnam war and East and West Germany. The terrorism during this New Left wave aimed to bring down capitalism whilst implementing communism into their respective countries. The idea of communism vs capitalism during this period, resulted in the Vietnam war and America’s perception that communism would spread unless stopped during Vietnam’s transition, fighting between North and South Vietnam.

The religious wave of terrorism, being the Fourth Wave, includes modern day terrorism which originated in 1979. This very brutal form of terrorism was because of religious ideologies and more specifically the interpretation Islamic states have on the Quran. The fourth wave includes the Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organisations which aim to bring down capitalism and show the power of their forces. The act of 9/11 would be become the most influential terrorist attack, which would lead to the Anti-Terrorism movement in the US. The Fourth wave, the Religious wave is still present in Syria where the Islamic State is committing genocide and implementing an extremist Shia nationalist state, which aims to implement extremely rigid Shia Law.

3.Rapaport’s ideas of the four waves of terrorism, really helps identify the history of terrorism. Although this helps immensely, it also heavily generalises terrorism, which is not black and white Although it generalises history, the theory helps place a lot of these terrorist acts into a demonstrative systematic approach, which helps immensely with understanding these separate eras which Rapaport has implemented. Examples being the transition from Anarchism to Anti-Colonialism, is a smooth transition as they are both precursors for political change which resulted in Marxist far left terrorism in, especially the USSR.

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